Wednesday 17 February 2010

Regarding Headphones

I think I'm going to stop having my earphones in as much.

It gives off a distinct message of closing out the rest of the world and any form of social interaction is prevented. Even saying hello to friends who you pass while walking isn't as good. Instead of saying 'hi', I find myself mumbling and smiling to them in fear of bellowing 'ALRIGHT!?' at them as often happens due to headphones causing people to not realise how loud they are speaking.

It saddens me to think of all the conversations I could have had and all the people I could have spoken to if I had just let the world in more; people I could have met on buses, in cafés, in lectures etc.
For instance, in my education seminars I usually shove my headphones in as soon as I get out of the room and plod off to my next lecture. However yesterday, for the first time, I decided to leave my headphones out and got chatting to somebody who I never would have spoken to with the iPod on.

So I think I shall curb my music listening a little and see what happens.

1 comment:

  1. i get what you mean, people say hi and you just wave lol :P
